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Multi Topic concentrated Portfolio Development program designed for students who are preparing to submit their portfolio for college or job application. This program provides the opportunity for students to work on their skills and to produce portfolio quality artworks in Observation Foundation Drawing, Figure/Portrait Drawing and 2D-Conceptual Design/Visual Thinking.

Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 (Grades 11-12/ Gap Year )

( 2 hours instruction weekly+ 3 hours additional required independent  studio time)  

This full year  program is comprised of three areas of concentration emphasizing strong technical and communication skills for storytelling. Each concentrated area of study combines conceptual, critical and creative thinking in the development of a personal vision and fosters the growth of a verbal/visual vocabulary  crucial in developing  quality works of art. Students are required to attend , 2hours instruction sessions and addition 3 hours of independent studio work supported by our highly qualified instructors.

Topic covered in instruction time: 

Observation Drawing -Focused topics include composition, proportion, value relationships, edge relationships, modeling, materials, stylization and perspective drawing, narrative construction within the drawing.


Figure Drawing/Portrait - Fosters development of work that represents observation, representation skills of the study of human body.


2D Design- Conceptual Art  Methods, processes, and conceptual thinking regarding solving graphic design problems. Study of color and mastery in concept, composition, and execution of ideas.

Accelerated Portfolio Development Program (Sept-Dec )

(3 hour instruction+6 hours supervised studio work weekly)


This course is designed for students who are in the final phases of college application and portfolio submission. The programs’ topics will be assigned in specific areas of each students’ needs and their chosen college requirements. The program is designed to provide students the opportunity to choose a concentrated work plan in one or more of the following topics; Painting, Observation Drawing, Figure Drawing and Conceptual Design/Visual thinking. Students are required to attend a 3 hours instruction session and minimum 6 hours of supervised, in studio work weekly.

Some of the schools to which our students have been accepted and attend:




School of Visual Arts

Rhode Island School of Design

VCU School of the Arts

School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Cleveland College of Art and Design

Maryland Institute College of Art

New York University

University of Maryland

Ringling College of Art and Design

Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Savanah College of Art and Design

Laguna College of Art and Design

Syracuse University

Virginia Tech.


                                                                              Late enrolling students may be accepted :

please contact program                   coordinator Nahid Linares for information or to schedule an interview                     

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